Aug 29, 2023

"The Hash" hosts reflect on some of their favorite moments over the last two-and-a-half years, including the moment when the team encountered an alpaca at Consensus 2023 in Austin, Texas.

Video transcript

It looks like it is a very happy taco. My daughter made this so I always like to show off her artwork and what she did, she brought this home for mommy because she knows mommy loves tacos. Numb, numb, numb, numb. Thank you, love so much. But Happy Taco Tuesday. And I guess let's talk a little bit about some of our favorite memories and um while I watched Jen um stuff her face and I don't have a um, I, I actually have, I get that lime on there. Yeah, but the lime, coconut lime on there, you know, we talk about Taco Tuesday so many times. This is the first time we've ever actually done Taco Tuesday, which can we do taco a SMR? And you just eat to the mic, right? Like you guys have to talk, we're gonna, we're gonna eat. You guys have to talk. So this one's on you guys. So my, one of my favorite things about the hash was I'm getting to go to, I, well, I would go to consensus anyways because I consensus is one of my favorite events. So hopefully I'm going to um will send me next year. Um, but anyways, I also love meeting the Alpaca because it was super cute and it gave me kissy and, um, I love um, cute little animals. Let's take a look at some taco Tuesday. Now, that's the worst. That's the worst. No, talking with your mouth full. We look at some Tuesday on the hash. Well, that I want to take, I know Zach is in, I don't even think that's a taco that, that like a or maybe it's like a, like a pastrami taco or something. I don't know. I think that I take a into my taco and let you guys know that one of my favorite moments from the hash is when we had an Alpaca on stage. Uh And so we're gonna take a look at a clip from consensus this year when we had an Alpaca on the stage. Um And I'll tell you why it was my favorite after we see this beautiful animal. Did I, did I screw this segment? I think we have an actual animal here. It's not a bear market anymore. Not a bear. I think it's actually an Alpaca market. We are suckers for a good gimmick and this sir is a good gimmick. Why do you have an Alpaca with you today? Yeah, this is our business development intern left uh was at our booth for the last three hours. So everyone that came by. Thanks for checking it out. Yeah, did a great job. I think. Well, that is lovely. Thank you for joining us, Lefty. Thanks for being here. Let's have a big round of applause for left. The Alpaca, amazing, amazing eating and presenting is hard guys. This is why we haven't done it until now. You look so happy. I am so happy. Um OK, Alpaca Alpaca was my favorite because like, what the heck on, what other crypto show can you bring in Alpaca on the stage and just have this really lighthearted moment? And, and that moment I think is an example for me of all of the like really hard hitting serious news we've covered, but we've been able to maintain a really kind of, of a lighthearted demeanor with each other and with our audience and I feel like, and I hope that we've welcomed people into the space and we've made some very complex topics accessible by showing you llamas and tacos and being fun and being your friends that you could join every day at noon to find out what's going on. And that's why that was my favorite moment. Oh, that was sweet. That was awesome. I can't top that. I was just gonna say how it made no sense that there was an Alpaca up there with the chorus one guy. But you know what? Look at Will's face, it was fun. Happy. Look at Will. He's so happy right now. Will was a little, I saw, I saw, I saw, I saw will jump a little bit when the animal came on stage was a little like, charge me. I'm gonna, I'll protect us from Peter. Ok. These are not alpaca tacos, by the way, just fy, do you not pump your coins with alpacas? This is the closest we've been to an actual youtube show. I think Wendy Nice. Pretty close to it. Maybe, maybe we could spin one up. Yeah, you guys should just come on my channel. It's fun over there. Um, we just yell and, and, and stuff like that. Good stuff. All right. Well, I'm gonna eat the remainder of my, I'm gonna eat the remainder of my six tacos. Shout out to three brothers. Uh, good tacos here. We're going to eat these all up. It's gonna be good stuff.

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