About Augur
The price of Augur (REP) is $0.32598584 today, as of Sep 09 06:30 a.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $80,995. Over the last 24 hours, the price has decreased by -3.36%. Augur currently has a circulating supply of 8.03M and a market cap of $2.62M.
REP is the native cryptocurrency of Augur, which is software that gives users incentives to maintain and enhance a prediction market running on the Ethereum blockchain.
Unlike exchanges where assets are traded, prediction markets let users bet on the outcome of future events. Users can create and exchange “shares” of an outcome and its value without relying on intermediaries.
The Forecast Foundation developed Augur in 2014, and sold its native tokens to the public in an initial coin offering (ICO) in 2015. During the ICO, 8.8 million REP tokens were sold for $5.5 million, but Augur didn’t go live on the Ethereum blockchain until 2018.
The total supply of Augur tokens is 6.9 million REP, and unlike with most other cryptocurrencies, new REP won’t be issued in the future.
REP price hit its all-time high of $341.85 in February 2016, but has never come close to that level since. In January 2018, REP prices briefly returned above $100 but crashed again as the entire market turned bearish. Despite a few slight uptrends since that time, REP has mostly traded in the $20-$25 range.