Aug 2, 2023

GameStop (GME) announced that it will remove its support for crypto wallets roughly one year after launching the service, citing the regulatory uncertainty in the United States. "The Hash" panel shares their reaction to the video game retailer's decision to pull back from its crypto efforts.

Video transcript

Gamestop video game retailer. One time memes stock had adventured into crypto and is now removing the wallet functionality from its I OS and wallet extension apps. Citing regulatory uncertainty, can't do fun stuff with tokens in the US because you might get sued as an unregistered securities exchange. That's what gamestop is saying. At least we'll talk about this briefly. I don't know what's there to say Wendy. What do you say in 10 seconds about games? Stop. This is not shocking to me. The predatory actions of the SEC have completely outdone themselves. And I'm very, very proud to be an American Sam. Top that 10 seconds, the memes, the memes are over Gamestop Galer, you know, wallets. I don't know all these buzzwords in one story. I feel like, you know, when, when he's gonna cry from this, they're they're not over, wag me might be over. Um And I think this is AAA perfect story to kind of encapsulate the depth of that, that attitude stuff.

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