ALTAVA CMO Oh Thongsrinoon answers five rapid fire questions from CoinDesk, including biggest challenges for fashion designers in the digital space, which brands are ahead in digital fashion and metaverse developments and how blockchain technologies can democratize fashion.
What's the biggest challenge for fashion designers when it comes to digitizing their items interoperability. Um because each fashion designer has certain tools that they're used to. So if they're using certain tools, then they can create certain format uh and assets. But to do the act one different platform, that that's why one of the most challenging things like that. What brand is doing digital fashion and the metaverse really? Well, I would say product probably being biased. But I think they, they do a really nice job even with the NFT as well. How can Blockchain technology, democratize fashion proof of ownership? You know, because it allows a clear ownership of creation as created by an artist or the creators. If you could digitize one item in your wardrobe, what would it be my secret? And what does Roblox tell us about the future of fashion? That is lucky.
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