Jan 8, 2024

Renato Mariotti, partner at Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLP, joins "First Mover" to discuss what Ripple's partial 2023 victory in court means for the SEC's approach to crypto in 2024. Plus, why regulatory uncertainty in the U.S. "may not clear up for some time."

Video transcript

The ripple case was a case that for example, there's a lot of focus this year because the SEC actually lost in a high profile case. And I think what a lot of people are wondering is, what does this mean? Does this mean that the SEC is going to roll out some regulations? Does this mean we're finally going to get a regulatory framework in the United States for crypto? And the answer I think is no, the SEC did dismiss some of the cases but they're appealing and they are trying to before they've continued their aggressive approach. I think we're gonna see more of what people call regulation by enforcement from the SEC where they're fighting in court, not criminal cases, but civil cases against companies with a legitimate companies that are actually interested in being compliant and trying to figure out what regulatory uh framework would be? And unfortunately, I think we still have go, we're gonna have uncertainty in 2024 and that may not clear up for some time.

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