Jan 10, 2024

Valkyrie CEO Leah Wald discusses her outlook on the possibility of ether ETF products if the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) approves spot bitcoin ETFs. "I hope that the SEC starts feeling more comfortable after the spot products start trading," Wald said. "However, I think that we have a lot of work to do to ensure that they also understand the Ethereum network."

Video transcript

I think we have ways to go to be very transparent. It's taken us a very long time to get the sec comfortable. And as we know, I Ethereum and Bitcoin as a network and uh Bitcoin and Ether as the tokens are very different animals. Um There's a lot of points that can be made of why Ethereum is not a decentralized network. Um I know that that may sound like a Bitcoin maximalist uh standpoint, but again, going back to the dow days and what has happened historically could be pointed out by the SEC and by others in the market um as more of an evangelist position, but does see doubt. So, whereas these products have already been trading in multiple jurisdictions globally, that does not mean that the SEC is going to write a blank check after approving Bitcoin spot. So I hope that uh the SEC starts feeling more comfortable after the spot, products start trading. However, I think that we have a lot of work to do to ensure that they also understand the Ethereum network, how Ether operates. Uh And again, with all the network changes and all the nuances that exist within Ethereum that they understand that from an educational perspective and again, can get comfortable.

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