Oct 19, 2023

Former CFTC Commissioner Dawn Stump discusses the urgency for regulatory clarity in the crypto space and the responsibility of Congress when it comes to appointing a supervisor for the industry. "I do very much believe that Congress is going to have to authorize...one of the regulatory agencies to oversee and regulate the day-to-day spot market in the crypto community," Stump said. "The regulators themselves owe the marketplace some greater clarity."

Video transcript

I do very much believe that Congress is going to have to authorize someone to one of the regulatory agencies. I have a preference but one of the regulatory agencies to oversee and regulate the day to day um uh spot market in the crypto uh community. I mean, there is a giant gap there. It's been well discussed, but um I do think it's, it's gone unaddressed for far too long. Um Additionally, I think the regulators themselves owe the marketplace some greater clarity as to how they are going to apply their existing regulations. And I think that could be done through guidance through rule makings. But um in either case, it requires public input. I do think that the onus is both on Congress and the regulatory community.

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