Oct 17, 2023

Path Trading Partners co-founder and chief market strategist Bob Iaccino shares his predictions on the flurry of spot bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) applications in the U.S. "I don't think they are going to approve one and then slowly go through each one with a fine-tooth comb," Iaccino said. "I think it's going be a waterfall of ETFs."

Video transcript

What do you think the likelihood is that we get several or all of the Spot Bitcoin ETF applications approved at once like we saw with the recent E futures. ETF si think nine were approved. Yeah, I think it's going to be a waterfall. I, I don't think they're gonna prove one and then slowly go through each one with a fine tooth comb because of the people who are asking in. You've got Black Rock, you've got Cathy Wood at Arc. Um You've got a gray scale. These are all. Yeah. What's the word high quality issuances theoretically from the way that the classic investor base looks at them? So I think it's gonna be a waterfall of ETF S and then it's gonna be a matter of how they're structured, what the actual assets underneath the ETF are and uh the, the fees on them and that'll cause flow into those ETF S which will cause flow into Bitcoin itself.

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