May 8, 2024

Bitcoin’s volatility risk premium (VRP) has collapsed from 15% to 2.5% since the halving on April 20, according to data tracked by Bitfinex’s analysts. The drop in the indicator suggests a relatively low volatility market environment ahead. CoinDesk's Jennifer Sanasie presents "The Chart of the Day."

Video transcript

The chart of the day is presented by, the leading crypto platform trusted by over 80 million users worldwide. Let's take a look at the chart of the day. A key Bitcoin indicator points to a period of calm in the crypto market. Bitcoin volatility risk premium or VRP has collapsed since the having assigned traders foresee a relatively stable market ahead. The one month VRP has collapsed to 2.5% from 15% since the having on April 20th. That's according to, to track by Bin's analysts. Analysts said in a note, the market consensus seems to be that future volatility may be less than previously anticipated following the having as of 10:30 a.m. Eastern time, Bitcoin was at around $62,600. That's it for today's chart of the day. I'm Jen Sani. We'll see you next time to unpack more of the data behind the top news stories.

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