Sep 6, 2023

The U.S. Department of Justice said in a letter that Sam Bankman-Fried has access to a laptop seven days a week and three hard drives with defense material at all times. CoinDesk's global policy and regulation managing editor Nikhilesh De breaks down the back-and-forth arguments over computer access between prosecutors and lawyers for the jailed FTX founder.

Video transcript

The most dangerous thing a parent can do is reduce screen times for their kids. That said FTX founder Sam Backman Fried's lawyers are bickering with prosecutors over his access to a laptop computer. And joining us now to discuss is Coindesk global policy and regulation. Managing editor Nick Day who is also the editor of Coindesk absolute positively must read or, you know, life is meaningless state of crypto newsletter. Good morning, Nick. Happy Wednesday. Good morning. So, uh yeah, so Sam is not happy that people want to take away his, his screen time. Can you explain what's going on here and uh why he's spending all this money to get his lawyers to get his little computers back? Yeah. So, um yeah, just kind of goes back to uh this ongoing uh back and forth between prosecutors and the defense team after be Quin Fried was uh you know, sent back to jail after his bail was revoked. His defense team argued that he had gone from, you know, putting in 70 to 100 hours per week on his defense. He, you know, wasn't. So I last week during a virtual hearing, the judge ordered the parties to come together and put together a report on, you know, whether or not Sam has, you know, any kind of computer access and what that looks like and all those things. Uh, last night the DOJ finally filed this report saying that, uh, he now has access to an air gap computer, uh, every day of the week for, you know, 11 hours on weekdays or seven, so many hours on weekends and holidays, uh, he has access to an internet enabled computer with his defense team twice a week that his computers have, you know, batteries and things like that. So that's working. He has access to hard drives. Basically, the doj is making the case that, uh, he has access to all of his defense materials and, um, you know, while it's not the same as being out in his parents' place, he's able to work on his defense, the defense team. I mean, it's, there's air gap so it's not like he can play World of Warcraft poorly from what I understand. Right. He's like a terrible player. Is that, isn't that like the whole joke? Yeah. No, he, it's gonna be strictly limited to whatever's on the hard drive. So defense material, um, you know, basically sorting through like, whatever, you know, his spreadsheets the tables and stuff and saying, ok, well, this is something that's helpful for the defense or this is not acting as a filter. All right, Nick, thank you for that update, we will continue to watch what happens next with Sam Bagman free. Thanks for joining us. We'll see you tomorrow. That was Coindesk global policy and regulation managing editor Nick Day and don't forget to sign up for the state of crypto newsletter on coindesk dot com.

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