Apr 4, 2023

Sunil Kavuri, an FTX creditor, joins "First Mover" to explain why he thinks the failed crypto exchange could come back to life. "I looked at the financial statements, which was built up by the bankruptcy restructuring team, and it's extremely profitable," Kavuri said.

Video transcript

Uh I assume so. Um Yes, so I guess um the key thing is that uh a property run exchange is a very lucrative business, obviously. I mean, well, let, let's just take out the fraud or alleged fraud, um what occurred and all the, you know, lawsuits, et cetera, let's say, um, uh blanks, um blank canvas, um, a property run exchange is extremely profitable and I looked at that financial statements and which was built up by the, the bankruptcy restructuring um team and it's extremely profitable. Um There are obviously FTX um from the outset, if you introduce or implemented all the attributes that it was supposed to implement it, it's a extremely, it's a legitimate exchange. And in fact, that's the whole premise of the reason why I used FTX, for example, the F um the VC backing the board of directors, the operation control.

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