Oct 26, 2023

Nvidia, decentralized artificial intelligence (AI) network SingularityNET and others are participating in Decentraland's AI World Fair this week. Decentraland Foundation executive director Yemel Jardi shares insights into the event, exploring the opportunities of AI innovation in the metaverse and the outlook for mainstream adoption.

Video transcript

The protocol is presented by Garand built today with Algo kit, companies like NVIDIA and Decentralized A I network singularity net are headed to the A I World Fair this week. Joining us now to discuss is the executive director of the Decent Land Foundation, Yamel Ji. Welcome to the show, Yamel. Thank you, Jen. Hi, Laurence. Thank you for having me here. Hello, thanks for being here. All right, tell us we're in a bit of a bear market right now. Some think that we're heading out of it. How many people are attending the A I World Fair in decent land right now? Oh, I don't have the numbers in front of me. Um We are in a bear market and we have seen how the there was a general decrease in uh attention to the central. But these kind of events are uh really interesting for the people uh coming together to learn more about A I, I think the central is a great place to learn more about what the technology is all about and how it can be integrated in, in platforms like decent. So the it's a virtual, uh it's a virtual world fair, but we're in the physical World Fair are a lot of the attendees from uh in general. We have uh a lot of audience coming from United States uh in Europe as well. Having focused in Germany. Uh We also see people coming from India as well. All right. So we're learning about A I in the metaverse. Talk to us about how you think these two technologies might converge, what are players like NVIDIA saying during this world fair? Yeah, sure. So um at the center and we are trying to build a virtual world uh which is owned and created by our users. And I believe the, the contact point with A I is huge because A I is empowering the creators, it's enabling you to be able to do things faster. Um So we are really exciting about a technology such as A I and PC. So you can talk to a character in a virtual world uh and have a fluent conversation we're interested in algorithm that lets you generate 3D models in order to create a virtual experience. Um Yeah. And so many other interesting topics in the industry as well. And what are you guys building over in the central line? Like uh uh what exactly is happening over there now? It's not just about real estate, is it? No, no, totally, it's not. Um So we are in the year of the year of the creator, as it's stated in our manifesto for this year. So our, our primary focus is enabling creators to express their creativity. We have released a lot of features recently for being able to create NFTS, as you may know in the central and all digital assets are backed by NFTSL A is just one of them. Uh But if you want to customize your avatar having like shirts, hats, all those are called worlds. And we have released many features for making those more uh expressive. And, and I think the most interesting thing we released recently is the ability to have your own private land, your private space in the virtual world. Uh If you own an Ens domain. Uh So that's opening the gates to all the ENS community to come to the central and, and create something new. Uh It's an experimentation in interior operability and, and also adding more utility to Ens uh NFTS. How are you thinking about attracting new users to enter the metaverse? Um So we have a calendar of events. Uh We did art week a few months ago. We have a I world for happening right now. Uh We have music festival coming in November and we have a, a big calendar of events for next year uh ranging from different topics. Uh That's a, a big umbrella space for getting the creators coming together. Uh being able to be part of something bigger showcase the art. Also, it's a place for the community to gather, celebrate it's a place for brands to come along and engage in this new ecosystem. Most of them are still learning how to do uh and, and how to express their brand in this new uh digital environments. So events are a really important uh way to, to get new users. Um Yeah, and making the platform more powerful for like real time conversations and communications. I think that's, that's a use case. We, we want to focus on any new creator partnerships. You can tell us about uh create our partnerships. Um I think the, the, the A I warfare is the that is happening right now. If you want to jump in, in, you go, you should go to play, do the central dot org. You will be able to, to hear about NVIDIA uh other meta leaders. Uh not only myself, uh CTO S CEO S of companies in the A I space. I think that's the most interesting thing happening right now. Encouraging all the audience if they want to check it out, go to play dot the central dot org.

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