Jan 22, 2024

Venture partner at Foresight Ventures and former Head of Impact at Gitcoin, Azeem Khan, joins CoinDesk to discuss his new role at Morph and what problems the layer 2 consumer blockchain is aiming to solve. "We're very much so of the thought process that we can't mature this industry until we make products easier for people to use," Khan said.

Video transcript

I think when I look at what's going on in the layer, to landscape and when I look at what's going on in the crypto landscape as a whole, it's something a lot of people have been saying for a long time, which is that we are not making products for people outside of our space. And that there's uh there's this weird thing where people want to build products only for people within it while at the same time saying that we need to on board the next billion users. And we're very much so of the thought process that we can't mature this industry until we make products easier for people to use. And so a big focus of ours is going to be while we need to have technology be an important and good aspect of what we're doing. We need it to be such that we're actually making it easier to onboard users and not just competing on or comparing how good our technology is versus our competitors.

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