Jun 22, 2022

Susie Batt (Opera Browser), Redwan Melsem (Chainsafe), Alex White (Connext), Gabriel Tumlos (Mochi) and Dennison Bertram (Tally) introduce the highlights of their projects. Ethereum developer Preston Van Loon (Prysmatic Labs) sheds insights on the merge and what to expect in the future, followed by a Q&A with Ryan Watkins (Pangea Fund Management).

Video transcript

Susie Batt (Opera Browser), Redwan Melsem (Chainsafe), Alex White (Connext), Gabriel Tumlos (Mochi) and Dennison Bertram (Tally) introduce the highlights of their projects. Ethereum developer Preston Van Loon (Prysmatic Labs) sheds insights on the merge and what to expect in the future, followed by a Q&A with Ryan Watkins (Pangea Fund Management). Giveth, Commons Stack & DAppNode Founder Griff Green gives a presentation on ETH & Public Goods. Plus, a conversation among Min Teo (Ethereal Ventures), Dr. Alex Shevchenko (Aurora Labs), Pranay Mohan (Nomad) and Harish Devarajan (Starkware) about scaling and bridging on Layer 2 solutions.

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