Oct 23, 2023

BitVM, as it is known, was laid out in an Oct. 9 whitepaper by Robin Linus, a core contributor to ZeroSync, which is building tools for developers to use zero-knowledge proofs on Bitcoin. "Bitcoin's script is intentionally limited to reduce the attack surface," Linus said. BitVM applies "a compilation of a couple tricks that allow you to overcome the limitations of Bitcoin's script."

Video transcript

The scripting capabilities of Bitcoin, they are quite limited. Um It's not a very feature-rich platform in comparison to let's say Ethereum or other smart contracting platforms that we know. And um yeah, actually Bitcoin script is intentionally limited to reduce the attack surface of Bitcoin. And um what BIT VM does? It's uh it's kind of like hacking around these limitations. It's like uh a compilation of a couple of tricks that allow you to uh overcome the limitations of Bitcoin script. And yeah, to express more uh expressive smart contracts on Bitcoin.

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