Apr 8, 2024

Bitget Head of South Asia Jyotsna Hirdyani discusses the current positive momentum in bitcoin and why it will likely remain strong in the short term after the halving. "It's fair to say that the cycle will definitely reach a mark of $100,000 plus," Hirdyani said.

Video transcript

What do you think is going to happen to the price of Bitcoin after the having? I won't be comfortable giving a range yet. But I do feel that the momentum is very strong. Had we seen any selling momentum? It would have been easier to predict. But since even at a price point of 70 k, there's no selling pressure yet and unrealized profits are just increasing day by day. I do think that the momentum is going to continue and this cycle where it's fair to say that the cycle will definitely breach a mark of 100 K plus that's the prediction from most of the analyst. But what will happen immediately after the having in a short term? I think we can say it's going to be positive, but very tough to give a range around that.

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