Apr 22, 2024

Bitcoin transaction fees have significantly lowered following the halving, with medium-priority transactions now costing $8.48 while high-priority transactions costing $9.32, according to data from Mempool.space. The hashprice index, a metric created by Luxor to quantify how much a miner can expect to earn from a specific quantity of hashrate, has also dropped from $182.98 per hash/day to $81. CoinDesk's Jennifer Sanasie presents "The Chart of the Day."

Video transcript

The chart of the day is presented by crypto.com, the leading crypto platform trusted by over 80 million users worldwide. Let's take a look at the chart of the day. The hash price index, a metric created by Luxor to quantify how much a minor can expect to earn from a specific quantity of hash rate has dropped from 100 and 8298 per hash per day to $81 a level below where it was pre having in the initial aftermath, the Bitcoin having fees spiked on the network to over 100 and $46 medium priority transaction and 100 and $70 for a high priority transaction. This after the launch of the ruins protocol designed by Casey Roder more to create fungible tokens on Bitcoin. As of this morning, Bitcoin transaction fees have come down to around $10. That's it for today's chart of the day. I'm Jen Sasi. We'll see you next time to unpack more of the data behind top news stories.

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