Jul 27, 2023

According to Nansen, the floor price of Chiru Labs' popular Azuki NFT collection has declined by 63% over the past 30 days. This comes after some critical reactions from the crypto community over Elementals, the company's new NFT collection. CoinDesk’s Jennifer Sanasie presents "The Chart of the Day."

Video transcript

The chart of the day is brought to you by crypto dot com. The world's fastest growing crypto app. Let's take a look at today's chart of the day. Aki's floor price has diminished by more than 60% over the past 30 days. According to new data from Nanceen, the NFT project experienced backlash after releasing elemental, a new collection of 20,000 nfts that looked eerily similar to the original AKI collection in June after technical glitches with the drop of the new collection and the Revelation of the Elemental Artwork. Long term Ozu holders went on a selling spree. Nanson says this puts Uzi in sixth place when looking at NFT collections that have lost their holders money over the past 30 days with at least 100 in volume. Beans comes in third place. This collection also experienced a significant sell off following the launch of Elemental as Beans NFT holders were also given the exclusive chance to purchase Elemental and FTS. That's it for today's chart of the day. I'm Jenna and we'll see you next time to unpack more of the data behind top news stories.

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