Jan 12, 2024

Does SEC Commissioner Hester Peirce feel like she's made an impact at the SEC? Commissioner Pierce answers five rapid-fire questions from CoinDesk on crypto regulation, her time at the agency, and plans for the future.

Video transcript

Do you like that? Everyone calls you crypto mom. I don't mind the name. But what I mind is when people think that the government fulfills some sort of maternal or paternal rule, which it doesn't and should OK. We here at Coindesk note that Gary Gensler is a Taylor Swift fan. Are you? I admire what she's built. We all love Gary Gensler. He's the Taylor Swift of regulation. I can still make a whole place. Shall I nice? What's the biggest challenge facing the crypto industry? Um I think the biggest challenge is really to work on regulating out, self, regulating out the bad actors and concentrating on building things that are useful and that really will transform the future. What will you do when you end your term in 2025? I don't know. But I, the only thing I, the only constant is that I hope to be a beekeeper. And finally, do you feel like you've made an impact in your role at the SEC? I do, I still have work to do um in my, in my last year and a half. But I, I hope that um at least, at least pushing things along internally to thinking about innovation in, in a little bit more of an optimistic way.

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