
Existing Stablecoin Models Are Not 'Totally Fair,' Usual CEO Says
Existing Stablecoin Models Are Not 'Totally Fair,' Usual CEO Says
Usual CEO Pierre Person answers five rapid-fire questions from CoinDesk, including killer use cases for stablecoins, his journey into the crypto space, and what the MiCA regul...
Existing Stablecoin Models Are Not 'Totally Fair,' Usual CEO Says

How USD0 Plans to Bring More Transparency to the Existing Stablecoin Model
How USD0 Plans to Bring More Transparency to the Existing Stablecoin Model
Pierre Person, CEO of finance protocol Usual and former politician and member of the French National Assembly, joins "First Mover" to break down the details of USD0 and how th...
How USD0 Plans to Bring More Transparency to the Existing Stablecoin Model