
Bitcoin Price to $10,000
Poll: Will the Bitcoin Price Hit $10k in 2014?
Are you a bitcoin bull or bear for 2014?
Bitcoin Price to $10,000

Litecoin Price Mirrors Bitcoin's Plunge After China News
Bitcoin's price has dragged Litecoin down with it, following news of China's alleged crackdown on third-party payment processors.

Bitcoin exchange BTC China
Bitcoin Price Falls Further as BTC China Exchange Shuts Off Fiat Deposits
The price of bitcoin sank further today, after news emerged that BTC China had blocked deposits made in RMB.
Bitcoin exchange BTC China

Cameron Winklevoss Thinks Bitcoin Price Will Hit $40k
Winklevoss made some interesting predictions when he discussed the future of bitcoin during a reddit 'Ask Me Anything' (AMA).

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Mt. Gox Bitcoin Price Volatility is up to 50% Higher Than Rival Exchanges
Restrictions on US dollar withdrawals has led to bitcoin trading at a higher price on Mt. Gox.
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Baidu and China Telecom Stop Accepting Bitcoin, Price Slumps Again
The bitcoin price dropped again today after Baidu announced it would no longer accept bitcoin.

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Bitcoin Price Crashes as China Outlaws Bitcoin for Financial Institutions
The price of bitcoin fell over $300 this morning after China's central bank issued a statement on bitcoin.
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Wall St
Bitcoin Price Could Reach $98.5k Say Wall Street Analysts
The price of bitcoin could increase to as much as $98,500, according to analysts at Wedbush Securities.
Wall St

One Bitcoin Was Worth MORE Than an Ounce of Gold Today
Bitcoin has just exceeded the price of gold, which bitcoin advocates say is symbolic for the virtual currency.

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Bitcoin Price Hits $1,000 After Doubling in 7 Days. What Next?
Today bitcoin reached a whole new milestone, with the price of bitcoin on Mt. Gox reaching $1,000.
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