Financial Advisors

On Purpose, with Tyrone Ross
What We Mean by ‘Adviser’: The Difference Between RIAs and IARs
With its many unexplained and unknown terms, investors may become lost without a proper understanding. In this episode, host Tyrone Ross addresses one “huge barrier in our sp...
On Purpose, with Tyrone Ross

On Purpose, with Tyrone Ross
RIA Education: Educate Before You Allocate.
In this episode of “On Purpose,” host Tyrone Ross speaks with Adam Blumberg, Certified Financial Planner and co-founder of Interaxis, a research company that educates financi...
On Purpose, with Tyrone Ross

Financial Advisers Need New Technology to Make Sense of Crypto
Financial Advisers Need New Technology to Make Sense of Crypto
In such a competitive and novel market, financial advisers must stay informed. With the volatility of bitcoin, financial advisers can look at data for answers, and so they sho...
Financial Advisers Need New Technology to Make Sense of Crypto

Priceless Principles: Bitcoin Education and the RIA Community
Priceless Principles: Bitcoin Education and the RIA Community
It is imperative financial advisers continue to cultivate their command of knowledge within the cryptocurrency world. Creating an RIA (Registered Investment Advisor) communit...
Priceless Principles: Bitcoin Education and the RIA Community

The Bitcoin Haters' Ball
The Bitcoin Haters' Ball
There are no take-backs in the Bitcoin environment; and, with future governmental regulations coming, the question becomes: what is the true value of investing in bitcoin?
The Bitcoin Haters' Ball

We've Got a A Better Tool: Is Bitcoin Mining a Waste of Energy?
The Bitcoin Haters’ Ball
There are no take-backs in the Bitcoin environment; and, with future governmental regulations coming, the question becomes: what is the true value of investing in bitcoin?
We've Got a A Better Tool: Is Bitcoin Mining a Waste of Energy?

We've Got a A Better Tool: Is Bitcoin Mining a Waste of Energy?
What Do Advisers Tell Clients About Bitcoin Estate Planning?
In this episode of “On Purpose,” host Tyrone Ross sits down with Frazer Rice, the regional director for Pendleton Square and the president of Wealth Actually LLC, a financial...
We've Got a A Better Tool: Is Bitcoin Mining a Waste of Energy?

On Purpose, with Tyrone Ross
The Truth Is, Bitcoin Is Not a Security. But...
Since bitcoin is not a security it doesn’t fall under the usual purview of the things advisors would normally have to know. With the SEC differentiating “Digital asset securi...
On Purpose, with Tyrone Ross

On Purpose, with Tyrone Ross
Are Financial Advisors Missing Crypto?
On this episode of the "On Purpose" podcast, independent registered investment advisor Tyrone Ross digs into the thorny topic of bitcoin and digital assets through the lens of...
On Purpose, with Tyrone Ross

On Purpose, with Tyrone Ross
Jason Wenk Wants to End Technological 'Groundhogs Day' for Financial Advisers
On this episode of On Purpose, host Tyrone Ross speaks with Jason Wenk of, a soon-to-launch crypto-friendly technology platform for investment advisers and their...
On Purpose, with Tyrone Ross