Bullion Bitcoin

Gold bars 2
Gold Dealer Amagi Metals Now Pays All Staff in Bitcoin
Precious metals dealer Amagi Metals is now paying its entire staff in bitcoin in order to divorce the US Dollar by 2017.
Gold bars 2

bullion coins us dollars
Bullion Dealer Amagi Metals to Stop Accepting Fiat Currency
Precious metals dealer Amagi Metals takes a giant leap for bitcoin acceptance: it won't accept US dollars after 2016.
bullion coins us dollars

silver gold bars
Bitcoin Bullion Dealers Seek Asian Market Entrance in Singapore
A bullion-friendly investment climate draws business to Singapore, while precious metals and bitcoin also remain a profitable match elsewhere.
silver gold bars

Video: Inside the Offshore Vault Where Gold Trades for Bitcoin
CoinDesk's Kadhim Shubber visits the offshore vault where Bullion Bitcoin trades digital gold for the real thing.

UK Digital Currency Association Launches as Local Community Voice
The UKDCA, a UK-based digital currency trade association, launched today and is now accepting new members.