Bitcoin lightning network

Bitcoin Network's Block Size Outlook
Bitcoin Network's Block Size Outlook
New Fundstrat data shows Bitcoin's mean block size has increased since the Ordinals protocol, which allows for NFTs to be stored on Bitcoin's blockchain, started to gain tract...
Bitcoin Network's Block Size Outlook

Nostr's Damus, on Apple's App Store. (Apple)
Jack Dorsey-Based Social Network Nostr's Damus App Banned From China App Store
A notification from Apple says Damus “includes content that is illegal in China.”
Nostr's Damus, on Apple's App Store. (Apple)

How Machankura Allows Bitcoin Transactions Without an Internet Connection
How Machankura Allows Bitcoin Transactions Without an Internet Connection
Bitcoiners in African countries, including Nigeria, South Africa, Kenya and Ghana, can now send and receive bitcoin (BTC) without a smartphone or Internet connection. Machanku...
How Machankura Allows Bitcoin Transactions Without an Internet Connection