About Quant
The price of Quant (QNT) is $67.27 today, as of Sep 08 02:13 p.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $14.65M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has increased by 14.02%. Quant currently has a circulating supply of 14.54M and a market cap of $978.43M.
Quant (QNT) is the native coin of the Quant Network, a blockchain platform that makes it easier for blockchains to operate with one another.
Quant launched its token, QNT, in 2018. The token started trading at about 27 cents, and by the start of 2021, it reached about $12. It hit a high of $428 in September 2021, but fell to below $100 by February 2022.
QNT has a maximum supply of 14.6 million. At launch, the initial coin offering didn’t sell out in time, and so Quant burned 9.5 million of the existing supply (then worth $6.2 million), bringing its total supply to 14.6 million by April 2019. Quant gave away close to 10 million QNT during a public ICO, reserved 2.65 million for operations, 1.3 million for company founders and 650,000 for advisers. The supply is fixed, although the circulating supply may decrease over time when tokens are locked into Quant’s services.