About Civic
The price of Civic (CVC) is $0.10295593 today, as of Sep 10 03:22 p.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $24.88M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has increased by 3.50%. Civic currently has a circulating supply of 802.00M and a market cap of $82.57M.
Civic (CVC) offers “flexible identity verification technology” for businesses by using “digital identity as a gateway for decentralized finance” on the Solana blockchain, according to the project’s website.
According to Messari, “Civic imagines a broad set of applications such as travel documentation, banking, credit, and web credentials.”
In June 2017, Civic released a white paper outlining plans for a token sale: Some 1 billion tokens were created, with one-third allocated for sale, one-third given to companies and users to accelerate growth, and one-third remaining in the company’s inventory. The sale raised $33 million.