Yaya Fanusie

Yaya Fanusie



(Sean Do/unsplash)
Watch Out for Illicit Actors Gaming Crypto Games
P2E and GameFi offer a glimpse into the types of financial crime complexities that will arise as tech companies work to usher in the metaverse.
(Sean Do/unsplash)
(Art Institute of Chicago)
What FATF’s Latest Guidance Means for DeFi, Stablecoins and Self-Hosted Wallets
Launching a truly “global” stablecoin is likely to get more difficult in the coming year as a result of the guidance, which advises regulators to keep such projects on a short...
(Art Institute of Chicago)
Police Beacon car lights
The Crypto Community Must Use the Blockchain to Self-Police
The everyday crypto user in the future is likely to spend time identifying illicit wallets and transactions to avoid, thanks to the U.S. Treasury.
Police Beacon car lights
Caracas. February 1, 2017. President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro (center) with First Lady Cilia Flores (left) and Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López (right), in a militar parade.
Crypto Investors Should Stay Away from Venezuela’s Petro
Crypto enthusiasts around the world should send a strong signal to President Maduro that blockchain technology will not be used to support corruption.
Caracas. February 1, 2017. President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro (center) with First Lady Cilia Flores (left) and Defense Minister Vladimir Padrino López (right), in a militar parade.