Wilfred Daye

Wilfred Daye

A pioneer among cryptocurrency experts, Wilfred has ultimate responsibility for all aspects of Samara Alpha’s business activity. Formerly CEO of Securitize Capital, he has more than 20 years of experience in traditional financial markets and digital asset management. Previously, Wilfred was CEO of Enigma Securities, a cryptocurrency broker and liquidity provider. Prior to that, he ran a cryptocurrency exchange as head of financial markets and CEO of OKCoin, following his role as president and portfolio manager at Noble Capital International, where he was responsible for cryptocurrency trading. Wilfred developed his strong knowledge of financial markets through positions as a structured credit quantitative analyst and trader at UBS, Barclays Capital, Deutsche Bank, and ZS Structured Capital Management/D.B. Zwirn. He began his career in securitized products at Lehman Brothers. Wilfred holds FINRA Series 7, 24, 63, and 79 licenses and is a Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst (CAIA).



(Riccardo Cervia/Unsplash+)
Cosa aspettarsi dall'aggiornamento Cancun-Deneb di Ethereum
L'inizio dell'era "The Surge" nella roadmap di Ethereum vede una serie di miglioramenti in termini di scalabilità, efficienza e sicurezza. Ecco un riepilogo.
(Riccardo Cervia/Unsplash+)
(Riccardo Cervia/Unsplash+)
Ano ang Aasahan Mula sa Cancun-Deneb Upgrade ng Ethereum
Ang simula ng panahon ng "The Surge" sa roadmap ng Ethereum ay nakakakita ng hanay ng mga pagpapahusay sa scalability, kahusayan at seguridad. Narito ang isang breakdown.
(Riccardo Cervia/Unsplash+)
(Riccardo Cervia/Unsplash+)
O que esperar da atualização Cancún-Deneb da Ethereum
O início da era “The Surge” no roteiro da Ethereum vê uma série de melhorias na escalabilidade, eficiência e segurança. Aqui está um resumo.
(Riccardo Cervia/Unsplash+)
(Riccardo Cervia/Unsplash+)
À quoi s'attendre de la mise à niveau Cancun-Deneb d'Ethereum
Le début de l’ère « The Surge » dans la feuille de route d’Ethereum voit une série d’améliorations en termes d’évolutivité, d’efficacité et de sécurité. Voici une ventilation.
(Riccardo Cervia/Unsplash+)
(Riccardo Cervia/Unsplash+)
Qué esperar de la actualización Cancún-Deneb de Ethereum
El comienzo de la era "The Surge" en la hoja de ruta de Ethereum ve una serie de mejoras en la escalabilidad, eficiencia y seguridad. Aquí hay un desglose.
(Riccardo Cervia/Unsplash+)
(Riccardo Cervia/Unsplash+)
What to Expect From Ethereum’s Cancun-Deneb Upgrade
The beginning of "The Surge" era in Ethereum's roadmap sees a range of enhancements to scalability, efficiency and security. Here’s a breakdown.
(Riccardo Cervia/Unsplash+)