Nathaniel Whittemore

Nathaniel Whittemore

NLW is an independent strategy and communications consultant for leading crypto companies as well as host of The Breakdown – the fastest-growing podcast in crypto. Whittemore has been a VC with Learn Capital, was on the founding team of, and founded a program design center at his alma mater Northwestern University that helped inspire the largest donation in the school’s history.



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8 Historical Analogies That Help Explain the Madness of 2020
From the U.S. presidential elections of 1896 to the dot-com bubble to housing markets in 2006, these historical moments help us make sense of a truly WTF year.
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DeFi Degens Are Crypto’s Suicide Squad
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Let Them Eat Equities! The Economic Chickens Come Home to Roost, Feat. Luke Gromen
One of the best-known macro analysts breaks down last week’s Jerome Powell speech and whether it truly represents a new policy era for the Federal Reserve.
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Financial Postmodernism and the Great Inflation Debate
This Best of The Breakdown August 2020 edition features commentary from Hugh Hendry, Preston Pysh and Adam Tooze.
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US Stock Market Cap to GDP Ratio Reaches 190%, Eclipsing Dot-Com Bubble High
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The Case for $500,000 Bitcoin
The Winklevoss brothers make an argument that, in the long run, bitcoin is the only good safe haven.
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The End of an Era? Why Bitcoin and MMT Won the Week
Fed Chair Jerome Powell tried to make it seem like the end of an era, but didn’t inspire confidence in the central bank’s ability to lead in the era that comes next.
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The Anxiety Index: 4 Fear Factors Shaping the Economy
From COVID-19 relapses to election insecurity, these factors drive defensiveness up and demand down.
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Everything You Need to Know About Jerome Powell's Jackson Hole Speech
The Federal Reserve Chair announced a slate of new policy approaches, but are they inspired or impotent?
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The Battle to Get Dictator’s Seized Millions to 62,000 Venezuelan Health Heroes
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