George Samman

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George Samman is the co-founder and COO of, the world’s first bitcoin-only trading platform. He is a former Wall Street Senior Portfolio Manager and Market Strategist as well as a technical analyst. He holds the Chartered Market Techician (CMT) designation. A seasoned trader, George has over eight years of experience in the financial markets.



Evolution of Kadena, the First Real Private Blockchain
George Samman outlines how the consensus algorithm achieved by Raft was finally fixed by its distant relative, Kadena.
Locks and keys
The Trend Towards Blockchain Privacy: Zero Knowledge Proofs
George Samman, former CMO of Fuzo, looks at how solutions like zero knowledge proofs could preserve privacy on blockchain platforms.
Locks and keys
Asset allocation
Two Words That Explain the Price Movements of Bitcoin
Many reasons have been given for general downward trend in the bitcoin price. Could the simplest answer be best?
Asset allocation