David Chaum

David  Chaum

David Chaum, a pioneer in cryptography and in privacy-preserving and secure voting technologies, is the creator and founder of the xx network. In 1995 his company, DigiCash, created and deployed eCash, the first digital currency, which used Chaum's breakthrough blind-signature protocol.



(Markus Spiske/Unsplash)
How Crypto Exchanges Can Be Free of Risk
If Web3 is going to rely on centralized markets, then it needs to find ways to manage counterparty risk.
(Markus Spiske/Unsplash)
(Tobias Tullius/Unsplash, modified by CoinDesk)
What Post-Roe America Tells Us About the Need for Privacy, Web3
Control over our online data is intimately linked with bodily autonomy.
(Tobias Tullius/Unsplash, modified by CoinDesk)
Digital pseudonyms can help organizations maintain records securely. (Seksan Mongkhonkhamsao/Getty Images)
Digital Pseudonyms: One More Way to Make Working From Home Secure
A system of pseudonymous digital credentials would benefit organizations and ensure individuals control their personal data.
Digital pseudonyms can help organizations maintain records securely. (Seksan Mongkhonkhamsao/Getty Images)
Cryptographer David Chaum writes about the founding principles of Web 3. (Photo by Horacio Villalobos - Corbis/Getty Images)
Internet Privacy Is an Inalienable Right
Digicash inventor David Chaum weighs in on the founding principles Web 3 needs. This post is part of CoinDesk's Privacy Week series.
Cryptographer David Chaum writes about the founding principles of Web 3. (Photo by Horacio Villalobos - Corbis/Getty Images)
(Sasha Freemind/Unsplash)
Web 3 Is More Than Fun and Games; It’s for Work
The internet is where culture forms. How can we make it as secure as possible?
(Sasha Freemind/Unsplash)