Beth Haddock

Beth Haddock

Beth Haddock is managing partner and founder of Warburton Advisers, which provides advisory services to digital businesses. Among other roles, she is chair of the New York City Bar’s subcommittee on Web3 where she explores the legal implications of emerging technologies. Prior jobs include working for Guggenheim Partners, Brown Brothers Harriman and AXA Advisors. She has an economics degree from Bucknell University and a law degree from the Catholic University of America.



(Levi Meir Clancy/Unsplash+)
Crypto for Advisors: Crypto and Compliance
The coming years are crucial for compliance and risk in crypto. Beth Haddock discusses strategies advisors can take to protect their brand while serving clients as fiduciaries...
(Levi Meir Clancy/Unsplash+)
(Davide Buttani/Unsplash)
Crypto Had Reputational Issues This Year. 2024 Will Change That
Possible approval of bitcoin ETFs in 2024 is likely to change perceptions of digital assets following a year when the industry faced a backlash, Beth and Clay Haddock argue....
(Davide Buttani/Unsplash)
(Emmanuel Ikwuegbu/Unsplash)
Crypto Must Take Fraud Prevention Seriously: Crypto Long & Short
Countries that enable regulatory technology while avoiding reliance on legacy bureaucratic approaches will be a breakaway leader in cryptocurrencies.
(Emmanuel Ikwuegbu/Unsplash)