Vitalik Buterin

Ethereum: Bitcoin Price Decline Created $9 Million Funding Shortfall
Alternative blockchain project Ethereum has released new details about the state of funding collected during its initial crowdsale.

Building a Stable Price for Bitcoin
Can Bitcoin's Price Ever Be Stable?
Bitcoin's price is unstable because of its fixed supply, say experts. Is there anything we can do to fix that?
Building a Stable Price for Bitcoin

Vitalik Buterin
Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin Wins World Technology Network Award
Vitalik Buterin has beaten Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg to win the World Technology Network award for IT software.
Vitalik Buterin

Ethereum Launches Own 'Ether' Coin, With Millions Already Sold
The presale of Ethereum's own platform-specific altcoin kicked off last night, with sales already booming.

vitalik buterin
$100k Peter Thiel Fellowship Awarded to Ethereum's Vitalik Buterin
Programmer and writer Vital Buterin has been awarded a fellowship worth $100,000 by the Thiel Foundation.
vitalik buterin

Wallet Extension KryptoKit Disappears from Chrome Browsers
Browser wallet extension KryptoKit has disappeared from users' browsers and Google's Chrome Web store, leaving bitcoin access uncertain.

(L-R) Synder, Johnston, Buterin, Levine
Decentralized Applications to Offer More Than Just Bitcoin Transactions
The Bitcoin protocol's more forward-thinking implications were the subject of CoinSummit's decentralized application panel on 25th March.
(L-R) Synder, Johnston, Buterin, Levine