Travel Rule

The Financial Action Task Force wants to outlaw dirty money flows through crypto. (Richard Levine/Corbis/ Getty Images)
Hurry Up With Crypto ID Checks, FATF Tells Countries
After the potentially privacy-busting "travel rule" for crypto transfers, global standard setters at the Financial Action Task Force have their eyes on DeFi, NFTs and unhosted...
The Financial Action Task Force wants to outlaw dirty money flows through crypto. (Richard Levine/Corbis/ Getty Images)

Coinbase Users in the Netherlands to Face Additional KYC Hurdles When Pulling Crypto off Platform
From June 27, Coinbase customers in that country will have to supply key details about the transaction and the recipient when moving crypto out of the exchange.

(Kelsey Knight/Unsplash)
Crypto Custody Firm Qredo Adds Blockchain Analytics to FATF ‘Travel Rule’ Offering
Qredo is bringing its APIs to bear on the global push for crypto AML compliance.
(Kelsey Knight/Unsplash)

The Travel Rule for crypto is essential to prevent bad actors from using digital assets to launder money. (Nicole Geri, modified by CoinDesk)
What's the Crypto 'Travel Rule,' and What Does It Mean for You?
The measure is essential to prevent bad actors from using digital assets to launder money. It affects everyone who dabbles in cryptocurrencies from exchanges to everyday inves...
The Travel Rule for crypto is essential to prevent bad actors from using digital assets to launder money. (Nicole Geri, modified by CoinDesk)

A meeting of the Financial Action Task Force (Hervé Cortinat/OECD)
Coinbase-Led Travel Rule Group Grows Members, Expands to Canada and Singapore
The original group of founding crypto blue chips has now swollen to over 30, including heavyweights like Binance US, Circle, Robinhood and Paxos.
A meeting of the Financial Action Task Force (Hervé Cortinat/OECD)

The European Parliament (Santiago Urquijo/Getty Images)
EU Crypto Firms Protest ‘Alarming’ Anti-Money Laundering Laws
The companies are joining forces to try to limit the impact of new proposals to identify crypto users and regulate stablecoins.
The European Parliament (Santiago Urquijo/Getty Images)

KYC, anti-money laundering images are ineffective. (Getty Images)
Crypto Should Disrupt Current Anti-Money Laundering Practices, Not Adopt Them
Modern know-your-customer, anti-money laundering regulations are ineffective; crypto represents a better option to address this problem.
KYC, anti-money laundering images are ineffective. (Getty Images)

CoinDesk - Unknown
Crypto Industry Mobilizes Against Proposed EU Transparency Rules
Crypto advocates were able to sway lawmakers against a provision that could have effectively banned bitcoin in the European Union. Can they do it again?
CoinDesk - Unknown

The European Parliament (FrankyDeMeyer/Getty Images)
Crypto Privacy Positions Harden Ahead of Crunch EU Vote
Lawmakers don’t appear swayed by crypto industry claims as they consider applying anti-laundering identification rules to the sector, but some argue the EU plans are unworkabl...
The European Parliament (FrankyDeMeyer/Getty Images)

CoinDesk - Unknown
EU Lawmakers to Vote on Blocking Anonymous Crypto Payments, Documents Show
The European Parliament also wants to curb payments to tax havens and check people’s identity even for payments between unhosted wallets.
CoinDesk - Unknown