
terrorism, IS
Crypto Use A 'Fringe Activity' Among Terrorists, Says Think Tank
Cryptocurrencies are ill-suited for terrorist financing, a member of a think tank told the U.S. House of Representatives last week.
terrorism, IS

treasury dept
US Treasury Official Calls for Global Crypto Regulation
The Treasury undersecretary has called for other nations to regulate cryptocurrencies to help protect the financial system and national security.
treasury dept

U.S. Capitol building
Proposed US Task Force Would Tackle Crypto Use in Terrorism Financing
A new bill introduced by a U.S. lawmaker calls for the formation of a task force to combat the use of cryptocurrencies in financing terrorism.
U.S. Capitol building

Think Tank Links Rising Bitcoin Price to Terrorist Use
The increased price of bitcoin appears to be luring terrorist fundraising efforts, in spite of the risks of being discovered.

EU Report: Digital Currency Use by Organized Criminals Is 'Rare'
A newly released report from the European Commission suggests there is relatively little virtual currency use among organized crime groups.

imf, lagarde
IMF's Lagarde Touts Distributed Ledger as Defense Against Terror
The head of one of the world's largest financial organizations has issued new comments addressing blockchain trends.
imf, lagarde

border, flag
Forfeit Your Bitcoin? Congressional Bill Draws Fire Over Border Check Rules
A group of influential US senators want to see digital currency holdings declared at the border – and advocates of the tech are pushing back.
border, flag

US House Committee to Hold Virtual Currency Hearing
The US House of Representatives Financial Services Committee is holding a hearing on virtual currencies this week.

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US National Security Advisor: Bitcoin Needs to Be Understood, Not Feared
A US think tank that advises the US government is exploring the threats bitcoin poses to national security, but also its benefits.
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Congress, Capitol Hill
US Congress to Announce Study on Virtual Currency Link to Terrorism Today
A US Congressional subcommittee is developing a bill to study the use of digital currencies by terrorists, CoinDesk has learned.
Congress, Capitol Hill