Saudi Arabia

Saudi banknote
Saudi Arabia, UAE Aim to Cut Payments Costs With Common Digital Currency
Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates are hoping a shared digital currency can cut remittance costs between the two countries.
Saudi banknote

saudi arabia
Bitcoin Trading Is Illegal in Saudi Arabia, Warn Watchdogs
A governmental committee comprised of Saudi Arabian regulators has issued a statement warning that cryptocurrency trading is illegal in the kingdom.
saudi arabia

Saudi bank notes
Saudi Central Bank to Test Ripple Payments Tech
Ripple has struck a deal with Saudi Arabia's central bank on a pilot program that will see banks in the country trial the company's tech.
Saudi bank notes

Saudi, UAE Central Banks Team Up to Test Cryptocurrency
The central banks of the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are reportedly testing a new cryptocurrency for cross-border payments.

Saudi Prince Al-Waleed: Bitcoin Is 'Going to Implode'
A senior member of the Saudi royal family struck a critical tone about bitcoin during a media appearance today.