
(Jon Flobrant/Unsplash)
How DAOs Will Transform the Customer Experience
Two words: stakeholder alignment.
(Jon Flobrant/Unsplash)

Moxie Marlinspike argues that there is a tendency towards centralization in crypto. (Steve Jennings/Getty Images for TechCrunch)
Is Moxie Marlinspike Right About Web 3?
Crypto may not be as decentralized as its proponents claim.
Moxie Marlinspike argues that there is a tendency towards centralization in crypto. (Steve Jennings/Getty Images for TechCrunch)

(Claudio Schwarz/Unsplash)
Why We’re Shutting Our Successful Fundraising Platform
Berlin-based Neufund had a viable security token business built on Ethereum. Regulatory uncertainty is forcing it to close down.
(Claudio Schwarz/Unsplash)

Ikea Desk Pop Art (Adam B. Levine/pixelmind.ai)
The Endowment Effect, HODLing and the Impossible Self-Appraisal
George Frankly shares another surprising look at glitches in human behavior and what we can learn from them.
Ikea Desk Pop Art (Adam B. Levine/pixelmind.ai)

(Jezael Melgoza/Unsplash)
The Metaverse Needs a Constitution
If we want our virtual worlds to be free and open, they need rules. Or companies like Meta (Facebook) will make them for us.
(Jezael Melgoza/Unsplash)

For new crypto market entrants, it’s worth doing some psychological preparation during particularly volatile periods. (Getty Images)
How to Stay Sane During a Crypto Crash
Crypto longtimers are unfazed by bitcoin’s recent 38% drop. Here’s why they’re so zen – and how to find your own happy place.
For new crypto market entrants, it’s worth doing some psychological preparation during particularly volatile periods. (Getty Images)

(Melody Wang/CoinDesk)
Kazakh Mining Slide Offers Lesson for US Lawmakers
Cracking down on US bitcoin miners for their energy use would have perverse consequences, says CoinDesk’s chief content officer.
(Melody Wang/CoinDesk)

(David Ratledge/Unsplash, modified by CoinDesk)
Not Everyone Can Afford to Be Satoshi
Some think crypto devs should work for gratis, like Bitcoin’s founder. But paying coders is essential and Web 3 finds a fairer way to do it.
(David Ratledge/Unsplash, modified by CoinDesk)

A WalMart demo of virtual-reality shopping, first produced in 2017, has been making the rounds again as an example of the Metaverse. (WalMart/YouTube)
Facebook, Walmart and How Companies Shouldn’t Set Up in the Metaverse
Facebook’s “pivot to video” destroyed businesses that went along. The metaverse could be a repeat act.
A WalMart demo of virtual-reality shopping, first produced in 2017, has been making the rounds again as an example of the Metaverse. (WalMart/YouTube)

(Yunha Lee/CoinDesk)
2022 Is the Year of Ethereum
Everything important in blockchain is happening on Ethereum, says EY’s global blockchain lead.
(Yunha Lee/CoinDesk)