Money Laundering

Police Return Funds Seized from Bitcoin Trader
A Scottish bitcoin trader had thousands of pounds returned to him after they were seized by police during a money laundering investigation in May.

Money Laundering
FATF: Regulate Virtual Currency Exchanges to Counter Crime Risks
Digital currency exchanges and gateways need to be tightly regulated to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing, says the latest FATF report.
Money Laundering

europol dark web
Europol Report Connects Anonymous Digital Currencies to Dark Net Crime
A new report by Europol examines the role of bitcoin in money laundering schemes and dark net organised crime.
europol dark web

Italy chamber of deputies
Italian Authorities Issue Bitcoin Warnings, Urge Regulation
Three Italian institutions have issued new warnings on bitcoin, calling for legislation to eliminate regulatory ambiguity and illicit use.
Italy chamber of deputies

bank of russia
Bank of Russia: Bitcoin Should Not Be Rejected
The Bank of Russia issued new statements suggesting it is still evaluating its treatment of bitcoin and digital currencies.
bank of russia

word game clarity
The Bitcoin Word Game
How specific words and phrases are being crafted in an attempt to shape the public's perception of bitcoin.
word game clarity

square peg round hole
Why Know-Your-Customer Rules Won't Work With Bitcoin
Know Your Customer rules exemplify why moulding bitcoin into the current regulatory framework won't work, argues Ariel Deschapell.
square peg round hole

Lawyers Want Bitcoin Money Laundering Charges Dropped on Technicality
Lawyers representing two Florida men charged with bitcoin-related money laundering want to have the charges dropped on a technicality.

Bulgarian Bitcoin Tax Guidance May Leave Money-Laundering Loophole
Bulgaria has announced it will tax digital currencies as income, but some have concerns over documentation requirements.

Will Florida’s Money Laundering Laws Apply to Bitcoin?
Lawyers of two men arrested for bitcoin transactions claim state legislation only applies to fiat, but are they right?