Law Enforcement

Korea's Biggest Crypto Exchange Raided Over Suspected Fraud
Prosecutors in South Korea have raided the largest cryptocurrency exchange in the country, UPbit, over suspected fraud, according to a report.

China's Security Ministry Touts Blockchain for Evidence Storage
China's Ministry of Public Security has developed a blockchain system aimed to more securely store evidence collected during police investigations.

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I'll Give You My Bitcoin When You Pry It From My Cold, Dead Hands
Unlike money in the bank, cryptocurrency can't be unilaterally seized by governments, clawing back a modicum of power for the individual.
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33 Cases: Cryptocurrency Fraud Is on the Rise in Japan
Japanese law enforcement officials have released new figures about cryptocurrency-related fraud during 2017.
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Bitcoin Exchange BTC-e Promises 'Daily' Updates During Relaunch Attempt
BTC-e says it will publish more frequent updates about its recovery plans after August 31, according to a newly released statement.

UK Police Want to Change the Law to Make Bitcoin Seizures Easier
A research office backed by a number of U.K. police groups has proposed changing the country’s laws to make seizing bitcoin holdings easier.

Swedish Police to Seek EU Funds for Cryptocurrency Research
National police forces in Europe are seeking new cash for research on how to tackle cybercrimes involving digital currency.

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Bitcoin Groups and Law Enforcement Unite to Form Blockchain Alliance
A number of digital currency groups and businesses are partnering with law enforcement agencies on a new public-private discussion forum.
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