
The WannaCry ransomware attack infected over 200,000 computers in 2017.
G7 Warns of Crypto Threat From Tidal Wave of Ransomware Attacks
Paying ransomware hackers to decrypt infected computers doesn't always work, and may even be a crime in some countries.
The WannaCry ransomware attack infected over 200,000 computers in 2017.

Credit: Shutterstock
Fearing 'Currency Struggle,' Japanese Politicians Want G-7 Response to China's Digital Yuan
Some of Japan's lawmakers fears a digital yuan could create economic disruption if it replaces the U.S. dollar in international markets.
Credit: Shutterstock

FATF Joins BIS in Calling Stablecoins 'Global Risk,' Citing Money Laundering Concerns
Stablecoins pose a money laundering and terrorist financing risk to the world, the FATF said Friday.

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Bitcoin Has Failed But Global Stablecoins a Threat, Say BIS and G7
A new report says bitcoin has failed as a means of payment or store of value, but stablecoins like Libra are a risk to financial stability.
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Facebook Libra Risks to Financial Stability Demand 'Highest' Regulatory Standards, Says G7
The G7 group of nations has warned of the threat posed by stablecoins such as Facebook's Libra and set out draft recommendations for regulation.
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Japan finance ministry
Japan Creates Working Group to Discuss Facebook Libra Ahead of G7 Meeting
Japan has set up a working group to examine the issues raised by Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency project ahead of a G7 meeting this week.
Japan finance ministry

Francois Villeroy de Galhau via Bank of France
G7 Forming Task Force in Response to Facebook's Libra Cryptocurrency
France is setting up a task force within the Group of Seven nations to examine regulatory issues raised by Facebook's Libra cryptocurrency.
Francois Villeroy de Galhau via Bank of France

bank, vault
2018: The Year Central Banks Begin Buying Cryptocurrency
A former central banker is predicting big changes on major central bank balance sheets as cryptocurrencies continue to gain adoption and market share.
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G7 Pledged Support for 'Appropriate' Bitcoin Regulation at June Summit
Representatives at a Group of Seven (G7) meeting in Germany this June announced support for "appropriate regulation of virtual currencies".