
EraLend falls victim to $3.6 million exploit (Towfiqu Barbhuiya/Unsplash)
ZkSync's Largest Lender Struck by $3.4M Exploit
EraLend said the threat has been contained, but advises against deposits.
EraLend falls victim to $3.6 million exploit (Towfiqu Barbhuiya/Unsplash)

What Mastodon’s Critical Bug Fixes Say About Crypto’s Security Vulnerabilities
Crypto protocols are often multi-billion dollar bug bounties, for better or worse.

New York City street view of multiple bridges and overpasses (Red Morley Hewitt/Unsplash)
Bridge Exploits Cost $2B in 2022, Here’s How They Could Have Been Averted
The bridges that are essential to our multi-chain cryptoverse are vulnerable to hacks. But an analysis of some of the biggest exploits of the past year reveals that applying m...
New York City street view of multiple bridges and overpasses (Red Morley Hewitt/Unsplash)

(Mika Baumeister/Unsplash)
Crypto Hacks Are Down and Hackers Tend to Return Stolen Money: TRM Labs Report
The sanctions against Tornado Cash, as well as last year's arrest of the Mango Markets infiltrator, motivate hackers to return their loot, researchers believe.
(Mika Baumeister/Unsplash)

(Alexander Grey/Unsplash)
Huobi and Gala Games to Give $50M to Victims of pGala Scheme
The firms will compensate the scheme’s victims while fighting for millions in damages from the cross-chain bridge that covered up the token-printing scheme.
(Alexander Grey/Unsplash)

Euler DeFi Protocol Exploited for Nearly $200M
The losses occurred over four transactions in dai (DAI), wrapped bitcoin (WBTC), staked ether (sETH) and USDC after the attacker conducted a flash loan attack.

(Clint Patterson/Unsplash)
Wormhole Bridge Exploiter Supplies $46M to Crypto Lending Platform Maker, Buys Wrapped Ether
The exploiter may be earning returns on staked cryptocurrency.
(Clint Patterson/Unsplash)

How a Year of Exploits and Hacks Shaped Regulatory Responses to Crypto
How a Year of Exploits and Hacks Shaped Regulatory Responses to Crypto
Ari Redbord, Head of Legal and Government Affairs at TRM Labs, reflects on the record-setting year in crypto exploits. While millions of dollars drained from crypto protocols...
How a Year of Exploits and Hacks Shaped Regulatory Responses to Crypto

Defrost Finance Says Hacked Funds Have Been Returned
The hack, which some observers had characterized as a rug pull, was estimated to have netted $12 million.

This Was the Worst Year for Crypto Hacks. Here’s How 2023 Can Be Better
OpenZeppelin’s Stephen Lloyd Webber writes about the plague of exploits that drained billions from crypto protocols – and how Web3 can better secure itself.