Central Banks Say Blockchain Could Shake Up Securities Settlement
The second report from the project 'Stella' initiative explores applications of distributed ledger technology to the securities settlement process.

CoinDesk - Unknown
Europe's Central Bank Touts Crypto As Underbanked Aid
A new opinion piece from European Central Bank officials discusses the important role a central bank-backed cryptocurrency could play in society.
CoinDesk - Unknown

Mario Draghi, ECB
Regulate Bitcoin? 'Not The ECB's Responsibility,' Says Mario Draghi
Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, has said it's not his institution's job to regulate cryptocurrencies.
Mario Draghi, ECB

Yves Mersch
ECB's Mersch Airs Concerns Over Crypto 'Gold Rush'
The ECB executive board member has supported recent criticism of bitcoin by Agustin Carstens, head of the Bank for International Settlements.
Yves Mersch

Mario Draghi
ECB President: EU Banks Show 'Limited Appetite' for Cryptocurrencies
Mario Draghi, president of the European Central Bank, has said credit institutions in Europe are not as keen on cryptocurrencies as the public.
Mario Draghi

draghi, mario
The ECB Wants to Hear Your Cryptocurrency Questions
The European Central Bank is soliciting questions for its president, Mario Draghi, specifying that cryptocurrencies should be a topic.
draghi, mario

Ewald Nowotny, ECB
ECB Official Calls for Tax on Bitcoin Transactions
Bitcoin should be regulated and even taxed, according to a European Central Bank (ECB) governing council member.
Ewald Nowotny, ECB

Euro sign
ECB's Yves Mersch Calls Bitcoin a 'Major Threat' to Financial Stability
Yves Mersch has said bitcoin could pose a threat to economic stability if financial infrastructure institutions get involved with the cryptocurrency.
Euro sign

Vitor Constancio, ECB VP
Investors Taking a Risk Buying Bitcoin, Says ECB Vice President
The vice president of the European Central Bank said yesterday that investors are taking a risk buying bitcoin at current high prices.
Vitor Constancio, ECB VP

Ewald Nowotny, ECB
ECB Council Member: Central Banks Considering Crypto Regulation
The European Central Bank's Ewald Nowotny has said that China's recent crackdown has brought new focus on cryptocurrency regulations.
Ewald Nowotny, ECB