Chainlink co-founder Sergey Nazarov
Polkadot to Use Chainlink Oracles for Interoperability Network
Polkadot will be the first non-ethereum blockchain to integrate Chainlink.
Chainlink co-founder Sergey Nazarov

Chainlink's Sergey Nazarov on What DeFi Can Learn From Early Exchange Hacks
A breakdown of the role of price oracles in the recent DeFi attacks, plus what DeFi can learn from early exchange hacks.

The Founders of Synthetix and Chainlink on DeFi, Derivatives and 25 New Decentralized Price Feeds
Yesterday Chainlink released price reference data for 25 of its decentralized oracle networks which, together, power more than $100m in DeFi.

Credit: New York Public Library
Do Custodians Wield Undue Influence on Crypto Market Prices?
Noelle Acheson warns of the consolidating power of crypto custodians, and the influence this could have on asset prices.
Credit: New York Public Library

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Coinbase Now Supports Stellar and Chainlink Cryptocurrencies in New York
The exchange has announced that New York residents now have access to two cryptos launched for other jurisdictions months ago.
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Chainlink co-founder Sergey Nazarov
WATCH: How Blockchain Oracles Could Take Chainlink to New Highs
Chainlink CEO Sergey Nazarov says there's one big thing holding back corporate adoption of blockchain technology.
Chainlink co-founder Sergey Nazarov

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WATCH: Chainlink CEO Talks Data Oracles
"The ability for a developer to make all the choices the way he wants about inputs and outputs is what oracles really provide," Nazarov said at Invest: Asia.
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Coinbase Pro to Enable Chainlink Trading
Coinbase Pro will accept inbound transfers of LINK until their "metrics for a healthy market [are] met.'

Smart Contract Startup Tapped by Google as Blockchain Partner, a middleware supplier that melds traditional computing tools with dApps, has partnered with Google to get big data onto the blockchain.