Voyager Token
About Voyager Token
The price of Voyager Token (VGX) is $0.01863749 today, as of Sep 08 07:44 p.m., with a 24-hour trading volume of $1.58M. Over the last 24 hours, the price has decreased by -3.76%. Voyager Token currently has a circulating supply of 368.40M and a market cap of $6.87M.
VGX is the native token of a publicly traded crypto brokerage called Voyager Digital. The company also offers an interest-bearing crypto account that offers additional rewards on holdings, as well as a crypto debit card. Voyager filed for bankruptcy in July 2022.
The current iteration of VGX was released in August 2021 with a total circulating supply of 295 million tokens. Tokens are minted each year – 40 million in the first year, 20 million in the second year and 10 million in the third year. The protocol burns 25% of all VGX used to pay for withdrawal fees on Voyager’s trading app.
The first iteration of VGX, described in further detail below, started in July 2017 at about 4 cents and hit its all-time high of $12.54 in January 2018. By January 2019, the token flatlined, hovering between 1 cent and 5 cents.
In 2021, when crypto had another bull run, VGX hit a high of $6.97 in March. The token was rebranded to VGX 2.0. (but still traded as VGX), and it crashed along with the rest of the crypto in the summer of 2021. It fell back below a dollar in May 2022.
VGX crashed again in July 2022 when Voyager filed for bankruptcy after a major debtor, Three Arrows Capital, went bankrupt. By July 11, VGX had fallen to 17 cents.