Micropayment tipping system Flattr adds bitcoin support
Flattr, the content creation micropayment service, has just announced that it will allow users to fund their account with bitcoin.
Flattr, the micropayment tipping system, has just announced that it will now allow users to fund their account with bitcoin. The service, which was created by one of the founders of the Pirate Bay, has the goal of providing an easy way for content creators to gain tip-like payment from the public.
We spoke to Flattr's Linus Olsson about its relationship to bitcoin.
Q. For anyone who hasn't heard of Flattr, would you give a layperson's explanation of your service?
As an example of Olsson's description, when you find some content worthy of payment, you "flattr" it. At the end of the month, your monthly contribution is equally split between all of the content creators you flattr'd. For example, if I pay £10 per month, and flattr ten people in June, each will get £1 each. If I had only flattr'd two people, they would get £5 each.
Q. Do you feel there is a philosophical compatibility between Flattr and cryptocurrencies?
Q. What has stopped you using bitcoin so far?
Q. Have you considered any of the altcurrencies?
Q. Do you think that Bitcoinj's implementation of the off-blockchain micropayment system as described here could help Flattr?
Content creators can provide payment points to Flattr users by adding Twitter-like widgets or QR codes to their website. Alternatively, the Flattr mobile app can present, and scan QR codes for users to Flattr each other.
Users will have to opt-in to bitcoin payments by selecting bitcoin on the "Add funds" page. As mentioned, though, there is yet no option to withdraw funds in BTC, but Flattr has asked user for feedback on this point.
When asked why BIPS had been a suitable bitcoin payment partner, Flattr responded by saying that the process was easy and they were responsive.