Julie Lamb

Julie Lamb

Julie Lamb, a veteran of the blockchain space since 2017, brings over three decades of marketing and communications experience to her roles. As the founder of NFT VIP an immersive ticketing solution and head of events for CryptoMondays & CryptoOracle Collective, she's dedicated to bridging communities and brands in the rapidly evolving NFT and Web3 domains. Julie's passion lies in empowering women and underrepresented groups through curated events and digital content. With a track record of successful collaborations with industry leaders like Disney and HBO, Julie is committed to driving progress in the digital landscape.



(Unsplash+/Getty Images)
How Blockchain is Reshaping Supply Chains Beyond Finance
The benefits of transparency, security, and efficiency could be useful in dozens of industries when sourcing and managing supply chains, says Julie Lamb, Head of Events at Crypt...
(Unsplash+/Getty Images)