George Kaloudis

George Kaloudis

George Kaloudis was a senior research analyst and columnist for CoinDesk. He focused on producing insights about Bitcoin. Previously, George spent five years in investment banking with Truist Securities in asset-based lending, mergers and acquisitions and healthcare technology coverage. George studied mathematics at Davidson College.



Markets Daily 3000x3000
CoinDesk Market Index Week in Review
CoinDesk Indices presents six notable takeaways from last week.
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Markets Daily 3000x3000
Featured Story | Aragon Mulled Sale of Crypto Project, Leaked Screenshot Shows
One of the biggest crypto projects building tools to support decentralized governance is trying to get out of its own governance pickle.
Markets Daily 3000x3000
Markets Daily 3000x3000
Featured Story | Some Users May Want an ‘Everything App’, but What We Need Is Digital Sovereignty
Jameson Lopp argues Twitter's recent rebrand falls in line with big tech's obsession with data. Nostr, an increasingly popular social network, is one alternative.
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Markets Daily 3000x3000
Featured Story | What Crypto's Future Has to Do With LIBOR's Death
The financial services industry has a way of spawning innovation and growing from its crises.
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Markets Daily 3000x3000
Crypto Update | Crypto Market Remains Tepid as Broader Economy Holds Its Breath
Plus, top headlines in crypto hacks and exchange news.
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paypal logo on a smartphone booting up the payments app (Marques Thomas/Unsplash, modified by CoinDesk)
I Have 1M Questions About the PayPal Stablecoin. Here Are 5
The payments giant’s new stablecoin will compete with Tether's and Circle's coins, but it’s not breaking any new ground.
paypal logo on a smartphone booting up the payments app (Marques Thomas/Unsplash, modified by CoinDesk)
Markets Daily 3000x3000
Crypto Update | Crypto Traders Short Volatility; PayPal Announces U.S. Dollar Pegged Stablecoin
Traders are choosing to short bitcoin volatility as crypto markets sleepily await news on the spot bitcoin ETF applications.
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Markets Daily 3000x3000
Featured Story | Tether Is Going on a Bitcoin Buying Spree, but It Should Be Holding Cash
The USDT issuer Tether says it holds a lot of U.S. Treasuries and made a lot of money last quarter.
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Markets Daily 3000x3000
Featured Story | Solana Tokens or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Points
Could loyalty programs and token airdrops embiggen Solana DeFi? Danny Nelson heads to Utah to find out.
Markets Daily 3000x3000
Markets Daily 3000x3000
Crypto Update | Bitcoin Trades in Tight Range and Bitfinex Hacker Reveals Himself
“Markets Daily” brings the latest crypto markets news, including headlines from Curve, Revolut, Upbit and Coinbase.
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