
CoinDesk's John Biggs Walks the Exhibit Halls of Consensus 2019
Meet the exhibitors in the Consensus 2019 exhibit halls.

Revolution, hippies
Children of the Crypto Revolution – Join Us!
Crypto is the new counterculture, and you, yes you are invited. You gotta start believing!
Revolution, hippies

A Visual Guide to the Hot, New Crypto Fundraising Mechanism – the IEO
The ICO market might have cooled, but there's still fundraising going on in the blockchain space – it's now being done through the IEO, or initial exchange offering, and we br...

burn book, mean girls
The Crypto Burn Book
"And they have this book, this burn book, where they write mean things about all the girls in our grade." Presenting crypto's very own burn book.
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My Sleepless Year Discovering Bitcoin's Code
Early bitcoin developer Stefan Thomas recalls his early obsession with programmable cryptocurrency.
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Spoiler Alert: Kurt Russell's 'Crypto' Movie Isn't Crypto, It's Just Really Bad
CoinDesk goes to the movies to review "Crypto," a new film that claims to be about cryptocurrency – but doesn't follow through.
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The Easiest Way to Send and Lose Bitcoin in 2012
Early bitcoin adopter Dan Gallancy talks about the trials and tribulations of giving away bitcoin.

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WATCH: The Joy of Blockchain
Bob Ross takes you on a magical tour through one of CoinDesk's favorite Consensus topics: education.
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The First Car Purchased With Bitcoin Is Now the World's Most Expensive Prius
CoinDesk takes a ride in the first car ever purchased with bitcoin – a Prius paid for with 1,000 BTC.

Binance Releases Demo of Planned Decentralized Crypto Exchange
Binance has released a second video demo of its advancing decentralized crypto exchange, Binance DEX.