
Coronavirus (CDC/ Unsplash)
How to Survive the Coronavirus and Keep Your Startup Alive
From protecting your staff to planning a succession, here's a six-point plan to staying out of legal trouble during the pandemic.
Coronavirus (CDC/ Unsplash)

Via ConsenSys Codefi
Libra Wanted a Currency, All We Need Are DeFi's Open Payment Rails
Rather than build an alternative currency like Libra, Facebook should concentrate on building new infrastructure, like the open systems in the ethereum-DeFi space, says Consen...
Via ConsenSys Codefi

"A Mad Dog in a Coffee-House" by Thomas Rowlandson, via Wikimedia
Crypto Needs a Rational Value Investing Model
Until the value investing revolution led by Graham and Dodd, investors often gambled rather than invest rationally. Crypto has yet to go through a similar change, but it's sta...
"A Mad Dog in a Coffee-House" by Thomas Rowlandson, via Wikimedia

Image via Shutterstock
Bitcoin, Bonds and Gold: Why Markets Are Upended in a Time of Fear
CoinDesk's Noelle Acheson points out the real narrative shift is in the broader market, not bitcoin.
Image via Shutterstock

Image via Barna Bartis on Unsplash
The Gig Economy Is Unfair. Here's How Token Models Can Help
The gig economy is unfair to many workers. We need tokenized co-operatives, says Gys Hough, a Dutch VC.
Image via Barna Bartis on Unsplash

Frances Coppola
The Tokenization Delusion
The idea of everyone issuing their own tokens, and transacting freely without government involvement, is nothing but a lovely dream.
Frances Coppola

Credit: Shutterstock
The Dangerous Truth About India's Cryptocurrency Verdict
An only-partial court victory and the possibility of legislation banning crypto mean the industry’s legal status in India remains vulnerable.
Credit: Shutterstock

Information Overload Is Stopping Us From Seeing the Truth
The online environment is inundated with information, and it's impossible to tell the fake from the real, says Microsoft's blockchain chief.

Image via Studio Incendo, Flickr
With Freedom at Stake, More Hongkongers See Bitcoin's Unique Value
Before the recent protests, explaining bitcoin's value proposition to Hongkongers was tricky, says local resident Leo Weese. Now more people appreciate censorship resistance.
Image via Studio Incendo, Flickr

Valerian Bennett
Tron's Takeover of Steemit Is Internet History Repeating Itself
Tron's takeover of Steemit is part of a trend: the takeover of decentralized networks by companies that put their own interests ahead of their users.
Valerian Bennett