
Credit: Murray Campbell/Unsplash
Finance and the Real Economy Can't Stay Out of Sync Forever
While Main Street is shut down, the financial world keeps moving as quickly as ever. That's not a sustainable situation, says our columnist.
Credit: Murray Campbell/Unsplash

Credit: Maxwell Ridgeway on Unsplash
What I Learned the First Time I Lost a Million Dollars
It doesn't take long to learn how to trade, but it takes a lifetime to learn how to manage risk, says Jeff Dorman, CIO at Arca.
Credit: Maxwell Ridgeway on Unsplash

Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash
Facebook’s Toothless Oversight Board Has Lessons for Blockchain
Facebook's new "oversight" board includes impressive names, but its formal powers are necessarily limited. There are learnings for blockchain governance.
Photo by George Pagan III on Unsplash

Osho Jha
Staking Will Turn Ethereum Into a Functional Store of Value
With staking and a surge of demand for stablecoins, Ethereum has everything it needs to become a viable store-of-value network.
Osho Jha

(Credit: The Trustees of the British Museum)
Bitcoin's Halving Is Nothing Like Quantitative Tightening
The halving could both increase the rate at which bitcoin’s price rises and bring forward the point at which it crashes, says our columnist.
(Credit: The Trustees of the British Museum)

Paul Tudor Jones II on CNBC
PTJ on BTC: Bitcoin Is Now the Macro Big Bet
When a famed macro investor like Paul Tudor Jones invests in Bitcoin, you know it's a serious play. Next step: central banks buying crypto too.
Paul Tudor Jones II on CNBC

Bitriver farm
The Last Word on Bitcoin's Energy Consumption
What people fail to consider when they criticize Bitcoin's electricity footprint, according to our columnist.
Bitriver farm

Empires are able to print their own money until trust in the currency falls, says Sokolin. (Credit: Shutterstock)
The American Empire Is in Decline. Time for a New Economic System
From debt to inequality, the U.S. economy looks like a 1930s disaster waiting to happen. No wonder gold-bugs and Bitcoiners are feeling vindicated.
Empires are able to print their own money until trust in the currency falls, says Sokolin. (Credit: Shutterstock)

Credit: Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash
Winners and Losers in the US' $1,200 Check Blitz
Wealth and age determine when and how 250 million Americans get their stimulus payments, says our columnist J.P. Koning.
Credit: Sharon McCutcheon on Unsplash

Telegram CEO Pavel Durov
Telegram's TON Was Built on Sand. Its Failure Isn't All Bad For Crypto
Telegram's Pavel Durov rails against the SEC's "ossification." But his TON project was always on shaky ground legally-speaking, says Preston Byrne.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov